Archive for the ‘OVERVIEW’ Category

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October 29, 2012

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Home work overview

February 4, 2009

Contemporary technologies give us the opportunity to work from home. Mobile technologies allow us to work even outdoor if we want. It has this good feature that we can choose a place where we would like to work, but also threatening us to use our holiday time to work. This is the curse of modern times – we spent more of our technologically earned time to work more and more. In cities like London where traffic is everywhere and people spent half of their working time to get into the place of work. a vision of working at home is tempting and more of them is thinking about staying a home. Employers seems to be more and more interested in this form of leading their businesses because of much smaller rent of a space in the good location. The Federation of Small Businesses estimated 20% of the UK working population(6.4 million people) did not get to work because of recent snow fall in UK, it means if they did not work that day for the day there is a loss of £900m. If only a part of those people could work from home savings could be much bigger. Though it is only incidental case of heavy snow in the country with mild climate a lot of other reasons is good enough to excuse work from home: time saving, lower traffic intensity, fuel costs, lower rent, lower cost of work, office accessories and other business running costs, stress of traveling, traveling expenses and even more.

Working at home is a specific kind of work and has many faces. First of all it depend what kind of work one performs. Different kind of activities and time is spent in different parts of home: a workshop in ones garage, call visage specialist, home bureau owner. It seems that most of them have a common features – paperwork, desk, computer, Internet connection and modems, phone/fax, printer, scanner. These are basics elements of nearly every kind of business. The problem is how to connect it together in one workstation which is functioning smoothly and is clean, well organized, uncluttered, handy, comfortable, properly lit, quiet, intimate, discreet.